
Match day 8 came and went but before that it made sure to sizzle us with all the possible drama, laughter, joy and of course a little bit of tears. 1.FSW U11/12 started of the Friday afternoon football against Whk Gym and DTS respectively, the U11 recorded a slight victory against their opponents while their […]

It has been at least 106 days since the MTC HopSol YSL was temporarily put on a break due to the new amendments by the head of state. However, on Saturday the 11th of September, the league resumed and has had sets of hungry teams ready for the kick-off after the very long halt in […]

The MTC HopSol Youth Soccer League Management are the barriers of great news and not so great news. We at MTC HopSol are pleased to announce that the MTC HopSol YSL will resume as from the 11th September 2021 till 20th November 2021. However only the U9, U11, U12 and U13 age group that will […]

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