2022(Page 5)

…teams play at rejuvenated Jan Möhr field Players in the MTC Hopsol League over the weekend dished out quality performances at their new base, with matches now to be played regularly at the Jan Möhr Secondary School fields. Rejuvenated and looking the part of hosting games in what is arguably the leading youth football league [&he

The MTC HopSol YSL youngsters made sure they opened the newly renovated Jan Mohr field in style and it was a success in all possible ways. Parents, players, sponsors and the public at large came out and added the joy to the blue, white, red and yellow brandings. SKW came all the way from Olympia […]

The U/9 to U/12 MTCHopSol YSL games to be played at our new home this weekend, the league would love to welcome parents, spectators, sponsors and the entire public at large to witness as we open our new home at the Jan Mohr sports field (MTC HopSol YSL soccer field). After the 3 week break, […]

Tears, drama, joy and as per usual so many goals, were all part of the most dramatic weekend the MTC HopSol YSL has ever experienced. 1.FSW U/13 and CBS U/15 share the title for the most goals scored over the weekend with 7 goals, while their opponents NPS and MH Greef suffering heavy defeats. Slowly […]

The MTC HopSol YSL resumed after a default Easter break and the results and atmosphere showed that the youngsters were eager to be back on the MTC HopSol pitches. Huge wins of the weekend were reported between Ramblers and Fortis, as the blue boys from Pionierspark humiliated their opponents by 9 goals to zero in […]

This weekend saw midweek games, where the U/15 CBS had back-to-back games and showed that they are truly a team to fear in the league this season. On Wednesday afternoon CBS saw off Baller boys 3:0, and walked over PAY by 4 goals to 0 on Thursday afternoon. Both of these games took place at […]

The youngsters debut to this season’s league produced 103 goals in just 12 games, with ACFA u/13 and SKW u/9 scoring 14 goals each. It was a tight affair in the under 11 age group with newcomers Kamuvare holding FSW to a 2 all draw. Elsewhere ACFA c narrowly beat Whk Gym 7:6. The under […]

After an eventful first weekend of the season, prepare to be blown away as the U/9/11/12 & 13 will be making their debut for the 2022 season this weekend. The return of the youngsters will mean more work and definitely more enjoyment, to witness their greatness make your way to SKW field on Saturday morning. […]

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