


Committee members, organizers, coaches, match officials, teachers or parents involved with a club, schools’ or academy team shall at all times and under all circumstances:

1. Consider their duties as an important priority and prepare for and execute such duties in a positive an organized manner, with the necessary loyalty, commitment and professionalism.

2. In appearance, language and behaviour proudly respect the spirit and content of the Body’s Constitution and its By-laws.

3. Respect the laws and spirit of the game of football.

4. Treat fellow officials and club/schools’/academy players and spectators courteous, with respect and reverence, without prejudice.

5. Honour the language, culture, traditions, religion and property of other schools, clubs, academies and individuals.

6. Remain self-disciplined and in control of their words and actions, refraining from behaviour that may offend fellow officials, players and spectators.

7. Behave tolerant, sympathetic and understanding toward fellow officials, players and spectators.

8. Serve as disciplined and well-behaved role models for players and spectators, therefore refraining from alcohol and drug abuse before, during or after a match and from any other form of behaviour which may negatively influence players and spectators.

9. Be neatly and professionally dressed, in proper sport gear when executing duties on or next to the field of play. Punctually attend meetings and matches and in a similar fashion perform other duties.


Adults and children supporting a club, schools or academy team shall at all times and under all circumstances:

1. Respect the laws and spirit of the game of football.

2. Respect the spirit and content of the Association’s Constitution and its By-laws.

3. Act in a disciplined manner, remaining in control of their actions and words.

4. Behave respectfully and courteous toward officials, players and fellow spectators, refraining from behaviour that may offend such people in any way.

5. Respect the language, culture, traditions, religion and property of others.

6. Respect and value all facilities, equipment and buildings availed for their use.

7. Positively criticize rather than denigrate or degrade officials, players and fellow spectators.

8. Serve as disciplined and well-behaved role models for players, therefore refrain from alcohol use at any time while games are on, i.e. no alcohol on or next to the field.

3. Players

Players selected for clubs, schools’, and academies, regional or national teams shall at all times and under all circumstances:

1. Respect the laws and spirit of the game of football.

2. Respect the spirit and content of the Association’s Constitution and its By-laws.

3. Consider their development as players and persons as a high priority, making use of all opportunities available to this end.

4. Act in a disciplined manner, remaining in control of their actions and words.

5. Behave respectfully and courteous toward officials, fellow players and spectators, refraining from behavior that may offend such people in any way.

6. Respect the language, culture, traditions, religion and property of others.

7. Respect and value all facilities, equipment and buildings availed for their use.

8. Be punctual and conscientious in performing their duties.

9. Be neatly and professionally dressed on and off the field of play.

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